See what your team is working on

Available for

  • Business
  • Beginner


  • Web
  • macOS
  • Windows 10

Use Team Activity and filters to stay up to date with everybody's progress and workload. You can check out what your colleagues are working on across the team, see the tasks they have coming up across multiple projects, or filter for very specific tasks.

Team Activity

Team Activity is a lightweight project management solution for your team in Todoist. For any given team project, see which tasks are active, overdue, and have been completed. Plus, you can see all the comments on any active tasks.

Access Team Activity

  1. Click the team project in the sidebar.
  2. Click the three dots icon at the top-right of the project.
  3. Select Team activity.

Quick tip

Add a project to your favorites to access the Team Activity even quicker.

Use Team Activity


Use the Team Activity view to identify blockers, like tasks that are overdue or comments that haven’t been addressed. Then, take action by offering support or reassigning tasks.

In the Team Activity view, you can view the following:

  • Active shows all active tasks in the project.
  • Overdue shows all overdue tasks in the project.
  • Comments shows all comments of tasks that haven’t been completed yet.
  • Completed shows all completed tasks in the project.

Click any task or comment to open the task view, allowing you to easily edit the task and add comments.

If you’re on the Business plan, you can also view this data for each member of a project. Simply click their name to see their assigned tasks and comments on active tasks.


Share your feedback

We’d love to know what you think of Team Activity, and whether it helps you manage your team tasks. Share your feedback with us. We – Marco, Dermot, Galina, and our 14 other teammates – review all feedback as we continue to make Todoist even better. 

Create custom views

Use view options or filters to create custom views of your team's tasks based on various criteria, such as due dates, priorities, labels, and who they're assigned to. Anyone in your team can use view options to focus on their tasks or use filters to see exactly what everyone is working on.

Use filters

If you want to view specific tasks on a regular basis, filters are a great solution. You can also add any filter to your favorites for quick and easy access.

Filter your team’s tasks


Let's say you're working with a team called Doist, and you've got a task that needs to be taken care of. You'll want to know who may have the bandwidth to help out. You can try out this filter to see what’s on everybody’s plate in the next 7 days:

  1. Select Filters & Labels in the sidebar.
  2. Click the Add icon next to Filters.
  3. In the Name field, add a self-explanatory filter name. For example, Doist's upcoming tasks.
  4. In the Query field, add the filter query:

    Workspace: Doist & assigned to: others & next 7 days

  5. Click Add to save your filter.

Quick tip

To get an even better visualization of everybody’s tasks, customize your view by changing the project layout to board and group by Assignee.

Filter a teammate’s tasks


Let’s say your teammate, Evert, is due to start a new project in the coming weeks. You’ll want to know what his workload is like before assigning more tasks.

Let’s check what Evert has assigned to him for the next 4 weeks by creating a filter:

  1. Select Filters & Labels in the sidebar.
  2. Click the Add icon next to Filters.
  3. In the Name field, add a self-explanatory filter name. For example, Evert's upcoming tasks.
  4. In the Query field, add the filter query:

    assigned to:Evert & due before: +4 weeks

  5. Click Add to save your filter.

Filter your tasks

You may also want to set up a custom view for tasks that are assigned to you. Let's say you're a part of the design team, your team keeps all the projects in the Design team folder, and you want to see your tasks that are due before June 5th. To view these tasks, try out setting up this filter:

  1. Select Filters & Labels in the sidebar.
  2. Click the Add icon next to Filters.
  3. In the Name field, add a self-explanatory filter name. For example, My design tasks before: June 5.
  4. In the Query field, add the filter query:

    ##Design team & assigned to: me & due before: June 5

  5. Click Add to save your filter.

Use view options

Another way to filter for your team tasks is through view options. Use this handy solution when you want to see something quickly but don't need to come back to it regularly like you would with a filter.

View team tasks in Today and Upcoming


In your Today and Upcoming views, you can filter for any team tasks:

  1. Click the Today or Upcoming view in the sidebar.
  2. Click View in the top-right.
  3. Select Workspace under Filter by.
  4. Untick any workspace you don't want to see the tasks of.
  5. Click anywhere outside of the window to save the changes.

View team tasks in custom filter views

In any team project you're collaborating on, filter for tasks that are unassigned, assigned to you, or assigned to specific people:

  1. Click View at the top-right of a team project.
  2. Click Assignee in the Filter by section. Then, select:
    • No one to see tasks that aren't assigned
    • Only me to see tasks assigned to you
    • Selected assignees... to see tasks assigned to a specific person

      When you select this filter, an Assignees menu will appear.

  3. Click Choose assignees.
  4. Select the names of people to see their assigned tasks.